Free Car Mag put a few questions to Global-trotting social influencer and super car fanatic, Alex Hirschi – aka Supercar Blondie. She is the star of a new television series, Car Crews with Supercar Blondie, which celebrates the most unusual cars, drivers and motoring cultures in America.
When did you first get into cars and why?
It was always a goal of mine to own a supercar one day – I absolutely love driving because it gave me a feeling of independence and power. When I moved to Dubai 11 years ago I was surrounded by all these incredible cars and it just peaked my interest even more.
Why did I create the Supercar Blondie persona?
It wasn’t something I ever intended to do create a career out of. I loved my radio job where I covered local events, including track days. During this time I would interview the drivers and look at the cars for Bentley. Bentley then actually contacted me a few weeks later to ask how I’d feel about taking a car for the weekend and reporting back on my experience. I didn’t even know that was possible! Of course I said yes and during those couple of days I was living my dream so I started to continue sharing my experience. Soon after that I spoke to Ferarri and McLaren. They knew me as a talk radio host so they were able to release the cars to me to review as a car journalist. The next car I had the chance to drive was a McLaren 650S and it all just started from there. When I hit 50,000 followers on Instagram I decided to just quit and went for it. I became Supercar Blondie and from then on I started creating content every day and it’s become my full time job.
Is it possible to tell where I am in the world according to the car culture?
There’s absolutely a different feel from country to country. I enjoy riding supercars in the America because there’s a really positive mindset towards people who drive a supercar or a hypercar. In Switzerland, the opinion of a supercar is different, people believe you should be driving an electric vehicle or hybrid. India was interesting to drive in, but I quite enjoyed it, people just use more common sense, instead of just blindly following road rules, they look around and see what’s happening.
If you could drive one car forever, what would it be?
My favourite car to drive is Agera RS however for a more everyday supercar it would be the Lamborghini Huracan.
What cars do you own?
I actually only own one car at the moment – I’m really proud of her. Her name is Lucy, she’s a Lamborghini Huracan and I got her a year and a half ago.
Have I ever broken down?
No, I’ve been really lucky actually. Even with my little old Lanza, I never had an issues (Laughs)
Is there a group of car enthusiast that you haven’t met that you’d like to?
I met a lot of different car enthusiasts and cultures through the TV show, which was great. However, there is one in South Africa called “Spinning” which I would love to learn more about. These people find an abandoned car park and start spinning in their cars whilst hanging out of them amongst other crazy activities. I’m not sure I would want to be in the first row watching (laughs) but it would be an experience to meet the people involved.
About the TV show
Working on “Car Crews with Supercar Blondie” was incredible but extremely intense and hectic. It was 16 – 18 hour days for filming, travelling across the US. We started in New York, then to Detroit, Miami, Houston, Las Vegas and finally LA. I would visit a different car culture in each episode so in New York it was the JDM crowd, in Detroit it was Muscle Cars, in Miami it was the low riders and in Houston it was the slab culture, in Las Vegas it was the hot rods and rat rods, and in LA was the underground, illegal street racing culture. The show explores cars in a really exciting, interesting way because it wasn’t necessarily all about the cars it was about the people behind the cars. You can catch it now on Insight.TV