Here is the House of Lords report pushing for more electricity cars through subsidy, which means taxpayers and drivers will pay. It is released tomorrow but fell on our laps today for some reason. Here is the press release then a link to the report.

Government EV strategy needs rapid recharge warns Lords committee

“The evidence we received shows the Government must do more to get people to adopt EVs. If it fails to heed our recommendations the UK won’t reap the significant benefits of better air quality and will lag in the slow lane for tackling climate change.”
Baroness Parminter, Chair of the inquiry

A House of Lords committee report, published today, has warned that the Government needs to put its foot on the accelerator if the UK is to transition to Electric Vehicles (EVs) in time to meet net zero targets.

In its report; ‘EV strategy: rapid recharge needed.’ (published today), the Environment and Climate Change Committee has warned that a combination of higher purchase costs, insufficient charging infrastructure and mixed messaging risks people not adopting EV cars.

Whilst welcoming the ZEV mandate on manufacturers, recent investment in the UK car manufacturing industry and initial support for local authorities, including the Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) fund, the report calls on the Government to act much faster. This includes tackling the disparity in upfront costs between EVs and petrol and diesel cars and looking at targeted grants to incentivise the purchase of new electric cars.

After taking evidence from a wide range of witnesses[1] and hearing from young people from across the UK, through its unique Youth Engagement Programme, the committee also calls on the Government to:

instil confidence in consumers by:

exploring options to incentivise second hand electric car sales, including developing a ‘battery health standard’;
reforming road tax to give a clear steer on future motoring costs;
equalising VAT for charging by reducing the 20% VAT rate applied to public charging, to 5% in line with domestic electricity;
Communicating a positive vision of the EV transition to consumers, and promoting comprehensive, clear, & accurate information.
accelerate the rollout of the UK’s charging infrastructure by:

extending Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) funding for another three years;
consulting on offering a ‘right to charge’ for tenants and leaseholders in multi-occupancy buildings;
reviewing planning regulation to ensure that the rollout of EV infrastructure is not unduly delayed by out-dated regulation;
consulting on mandating workplaces with designated car parking spaces to install EV chargepoints.
support industry by:

further enhancing UK manufacturing and battery innovation;
accelerating investment in UK vehicle and battery recycling facilities.
Baroness Parminter, Chair of the inquiry[2] said;

“Surface transport is the UK’s highest emitting sector for CO2, with passenger cars responsible for over half those emissions. The evidence we received shows the Government must do more – and quickly – to get people to adopt EVs. If it fails to heed our recommendations the UK won’t reap the significant benefits of better air quality and will lag in the slow lane for tackling climate change.”

Read the report here.