The Alliance of British Drivers, The Motorcycle Action Group and Fair Fuel share all the important stories about motoring, the environment and politics which affect us all on a day to day driving basis. Here are the headlines and the links you need to find out the truth.
Global Climate/ Social/ Political Developments:
- Valle Nevado Wraps Up Longest/Snowiest Season Ever; Chinese City Sees Earliest Snowfall Since 1951; CO Ski Resorts To Open Early; Russia Is Drilling At A Record Rate; + Climate Grift: - Early Season Snow Intensifies Across Asia; Biting Freeze Sweeps Canada; + 2024 Hurricane Season Is Officially A Dud: - Vermont’s Earliest Foot Since 2010; Early Snows In Spain; South Pole’s 1000th Day Below -20C (-4F); + Solar Max Announcement From NASA And NOAA: - No statistically significant acceleration in the rate of planetary warming over the 1850 to 2023 period: - More Than 70% Of Russia Blanketed In Snow; Record Cold U.S., Early Snows Sweep The Peaks; New Study: “Recent Surge In Global Warming Not Detectable”; +Sunspot 3856: - Early Snows Sweep Asia, Cold Records Tumble; Big Freeze Sweeps Iceland; +Energy Addition, Not Transition: - Global warming stopped 16 years ago, reveals quietly released Met Office report..Here’s the chart to prove it:–chart-prove-it.html - “Our results show limited evidence for a warming surge; in most surface temperature time series, no change in the warming rate beyond the 1970s is detected despite the breaking record temperatures observed in 2023.” - During 1879 the US was hit by six tropical storms, including two major hurricanes which strengthened very rapidly over a period of 24 hours. Claims that hurricanes are intensifying faster now are propaganda, not science: - “The green agenda is just part of [the overall globalist agenda], which is to erect a totalitarian regime, in which people are under complete control”. - Greens Declare War on…Greens? The so-called ‘green’ movement has metamorphosed into a misanthropic, eugenicist, genocidal death-cult. Papers like this highlight that undeniable fact: - An Empirical Quantification of Earth’s Energy Balance – A sane, scientifically-grounded analysis of the dominant influences on the terrestrial energy balance, & hence climate, from first principles thermodynamic considerations: - Practically nobody in India believes that their or their children’s interests are served by following @Ed_Miliband‘s virtue signalling on our money. Net Zero is suicide: - The relationship between “Ruinables” (Renewables), nuclear power & The Chocolate Teapot Fallacy: - Amnesty International: EV Industry Contributes to ‘Alarming and Pervasive Human Rights Abuses’: - @IEA‘s 2024 WEO reports coal demand will be higher than expected in the 2020-2030 period as electricity demand is rising faster than renewables output (not to be confused with capacity): - Norway & UK share oil & gas rights in the North Sea. But while Norway invested proceeds of oil & gas in a sovereign wealth fund, which stands at $1.4 trillion, the biggest in the world, the UK’s North Sea oil & gas revenues have been squandered with no investment fund in place: - The Energy Realities Podcast: China is Winning Every Aspect of the Energy Transition: - Unable to rationalise the recent warming spike, climate alarmist “scientists” intend airbrushing it out by again falsifying the temperature record (thereby avoiding acknowledging the Hunga Tonga eruption’s influence): - Renewables actually increase demand for, and consumption of, hydrocarbons: - The Joule-er’s Accountant, Part 1: Energy Return on Investment (EROI) a fundamental energy and power generation concept: - The Joule-er’s Accountant, Part 2: Energy Density and Nuclear Power: - Giant 100$m Florida Solar Array partially trashed by recent regional Hurricane: - You Won’t Believe This, but Italy’s Car Industry is Struggling!…. [Irony Alert]: - BMW CEO warns mandated ICEV Sales Phaseout will trigger ‘massive shrinking of automotive industry’: - Paris Motor Show – BEV market problems: smaller BEVs trend just means smaller manufacturer losses: - How about that! In a side-by-side comparison, a premium gasoline BMW was cheaper to drive from Melbourne to Sydney (900 km) than an electric I7 BMW and saved 2 hours on the journey: - US Democrats sabotage the very mineral exploitation projects essential to pursuing ‘green’ agenda:
Recent Local/ National Developments:
- Given demonstrated statistically significant direct link between prostate cancer incidence & intensity of cycling activity for over 50s [2014 Dr M Hamer (UCL)], when will Govt tackle this issue? - *The War on Personal Mobility will escalate surveillance, with ever larger penalties for increasingly trivial infractions of stupid rules – to “nudge” people out their cars by making driving stressful and unpleasant: - Biggleswick reject 20 mph zones via @YouTube; a blueprint for the genuine taking-back of control from unelected unaccountable global cowboy outfits: - Cumbria MP & ex-PM Sunak team up to expedite long overdue completion of the A66 dualling project: - Monteith: ‘The tax rises that are likely to be introduced; on national insurance, capital gains, fuel duty, pension allowances, council taxes and more – will all reduce economic growth and likely lead to lower revenues than the Chancellor’s modelling will claim. Our politicians in London or Edinburgh always underestimate the behavioural changes people make in response to a bigger tax burden – be it working less, moving away or sheltering assets’: - David Starkey on New Labour’s constitutional revolution, the disaster of devolution and when Keir Starmer tried to have him jailed: - Over 50 Conservative-, only 3 LibDem-, & 1 Labour MP supported FairFuelUK’s 15/10/24 Parliamentary Reception on freeezing, or even cutting, road fuel duty: - Jenrick promises to” tear up Climate Change Act” if elected Tory leader. But is he believable/ trustworthy? - The Ed Miliband’s Net Zero plan’s crucial ‘flaw’ isn’t that it won’t be green; but that it is, and always was, about our immiseration and the dismantling of democratic control of politics: - If energy rationing emerges in the UK, it is deliberate and fabricated. We have an abundance of energy but psychopaths from the Uniparty, NGOs and the MSM are working together to implement scarcity, poverty and control under the guise of ‘Net Zero’: - Starmer’s authoritarian streak has so far included: facial recognition surveillance expansion, bank spying powers, more online censorship. @silkiecarlo on 100 days of the in-power Labour Party: - It’s government policies that are inflating the cost of car insurance: - Fuel duty is expected to rise by up to 7p a litre after the budget, with speculation intensifying that the chancellor will restore inflationary rises as well as ending the temporary cut. Public overwhelmingly oppose: - Cycling ↓5% (despite £6 Bn secured by cycling lobbyists), yet collisions with pedestrians ↑30% with no new laws. Who’s looking out for the pedestrians? - Speeding cyclists joke about hitting people on London road where 81-year-old was killed: - A spate of accidents involving cyclists in Royal Parks has sparked renewed calls for stricter laws. But how do you enforce a bicycle to travel within the speed limit when it has no legal speedometer requirement?
- BANK SPYING – Oh look, remember when Labour opposed giving banks sweeping powers to spy on citizens…They’ve changed their minds: - OpenAI’s plans for up to seven 5GW hyper-scale data-centres would consume more electricity than the UK managed to generate in 2023: - Electric car drivers ‘being plunged into negative equity’ as prices collapse – Rapid depreciation of vehicles risks hitting forecourt profits as leases leave them exposed: - Petrol and diesel cars will remain on UK roads ‘for years to come’ as drivers refuse to follow 2035 ban. SIMPLES! DO NOT COMPLY. DO NOT BUY BEVs!: - 2035 ICE Ban – Over Half of Brits to Keep Driving Petrol:
Narrative Developments:
- Australian senator Malcolm Roberts on the “climate fraud”: These people are after control, they’re after wealth transfer… they want to make us serfs …. back in the Dark Ages, back in the cave: - Back of envelope calculation suggests the Earth could reduce global land temperatures immediately by at least 0.5°C by moving thermometers away from airports and rapidly growing urban areas: - Translation: “The gangrene of the malign concept, which generally originates close to the capital, before being propagated everywhere else in France”. Sound familiar? For “capital” read “London” & for “France” read “The UK”: - Ex-PM’s father, Stanley Johnson, says it’s ‘the national plan’ & fine if peasants are no longer allowed to fly: - “Conservatives need to realise the fight they are in. This is a war on liberalism. All of it”: - Fury at (renewables-generated) synthetic hydrocarbons (Porsche’s Patagonian project) is second to none. “Decarbonisation” has nothing to do with carbon dioxide emissions. “Climate change” has nothing to do with the climate. It’s an ideological battle about ‘system change’ (establishing global Marxo-Fascism): - “If you have nothing to hide, you shouldn’t be afraid [of total transparency]”. Next he’ll be telling us: “Arbeit Macht Frei”. Apples never fall far from the tree: - The fundamental “flaw” at the heart of @Ed_Miliband’s Net Zero plan is that the climate [crisis] is a hoax: - Modern-day Luddite Western media advocate a return to back-breaking manual labour serfdom: - The highest political office of the country, PM, is now a glorified Big Pharma drug-peddling poodle, a sponsored mouthpiece for corporatism.”: - Reiner Fuellmich, Political Prisoner #4 Prison cell update. Climate Change Realists next in line?: - The true typical range of the latest electric vehicles is up to 50% lower than advertised figures, new research has revealed, leading to question about whether consumers really know what they’re buying: - Making the case for nuclear power. My question: why was non-weaponisable Thorium reactor technology ditched – or does my question contain its own answer? - The aim of maximising heavily-subsidised, reliably unreliable, renewables capacity is inexorably ramping up UK electricity prices:
Also send to: James Ruppert, FCM