You can read some great Perry McCarthy quotes in the latest issue of Free Car Mag and here he is having taken ownership of Topgear Tuning. The company expertly adjusts software within a vehicle’s ECU (the ‘brain’ of the engine) via a process known as ECU remapping, to optimise your engine’s power by up to 30% and economy by up to 15%.

Large manufacturers do not have the luxury of this tailored approach because selling across a global market they need to cater for large variations in fuel quality, extreme climatic conditions and local tax and emission regulations. However, without facing such restrictions, Topgear Tuning is more precise and can safely unlock engine potential.

Remapping is a growth market driven by increasing consumer demand of published gains for both engine performance and fuel economy. Perry knows better than most the importance of vehicle performance and technology. Perry’s motor racing skills and knowledge puts him in pole position when it comes to understanding the benefits of ECU remapping. As he said “Not only does it provide immediate improvement in the power and torque of your car, but it greatly enhances its performance and throttle response. If only some of those reasonably priced cars that we raced around the Top Gear track had been remapped, I’m sure the leader board would’ve looked very different”.

Topgear Tuning is principally a business to business operation offering independent and larger service centres the same opportunity to take commercial advantage of increased public awareness of remaps. With its experience, expertise and unique brand marketing, it can deliver, manage and support existing tuners or new entrants in to the remapping trade. In part, this is what attracted ex-Formula 1 racing driver Perry McCarthy to the company in 2015, a move which later saw him buy the company.

“I was invited by the owner of Topgear Tuning, Steve Kilcoyne, to visit their head office. Steve thought I may be interested in the process of ECU Remapping and his team’s approach to it, mainly because he knew my life as a racing driver and as ‘The Stig’ has revolved around speed, technology, teamwork, vehicle performance and attention to detail. I agreed but after arriving, what was scheduled as a one hour meeting turned in to five hours! My initial curiosity quickly changed to recognising a great business opportunity within my home ground of the Automotive Industry. In fact, I was so impressed with Topgear Tuning’s service, expertise and attitude; I bought the company. When it comes to cars, engines and performance, racing drivers are notoriously difficult to please. Well, I am certainly pleased. I have taken my own remapping opportunity to the extreme and I am genuinely excited by it.” For more information, visit