Free Car Mag rather likes reading other car mags and The Classic Motoring Review (CMR) is a brand new – and very different – quarterly periodical aimed at enthusiasts who fondly recall the hey-days of what might be called ‘real’ motoring and the magazines that contemporaneously chronicled them.

CMR contains articles that are generally significantly longer and more ‘literary’ in nature than current automotive media, typically 2500 – 5000 words. So it isn’t FCM’s light read approach, it is very different. CMR’s aim is to replicate the best automotive writing of the late mid-20th Century, be it about the machines, the men who created them, or the experience of driving them.

There are no photographs to accompany the articles it publishes, instead it employs highly attractive line and line and wash illustrations. Save for editorials, books reviews and readers’ letters, CMR will only publish long-form essays. Some 20-30% of these will be reproduced from appropriate magazines and books published during the 1960s, ‘70s and early ‘80s.

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