This video may help you to deal with the Monday morning motoring mayhem. Meanwhile here’s the story.
Over a million parents are left with the same messy motoring dilemma every Monday morning – getting their company car fit for business after a weekend with the kids. The weird and wonderful remnants of weekend family motoring include pets, teeth and dead animals. 61% of parents embarrassed by the state of their car after the weekend
One in five cleans out their car every Monday before work.
These figures are according to new research from ŠKODA, which highlights the items found on backseats and in footwells as UK drivers balance the demands of being both a parent and a professional.
according to new research from ŠKODA, which highlights the items found on backseats and in footwells as UK drivers balance the demands of being both a parent and a professional.
While food wrappers (66%), crumbs (60%) and mud (51%) are the most commonly-found remnants of weekend family motoring – alongside cuddly toys – some kids leave weirder and more wonderful surprises.
These include: cheese graters, bird skulls, daleks, dead mice and frogs, live goldfish, jellyfish, a pair of pants, pet hamsters, pieces of coal, teeth, caterpillars, horse poo in a bag, TV remotes, worms, a week-old beef burger and a wet sponge.
One respondent to the ŠKODA study even told how her son: “Wrote ‘homeless’ on the back of my seat in felt tip. Not sure how to take that!”
Such discoveries leave more than three fifths (61%) of parents embarrassed at the state of their car, while more than one in five (21%) clean out their backseats every Monday morning. To help make life on the road a little easier for its owners, ŠKODA offers a range of accessories that help keep cars looking sharp, stylish and clean.
For example, the brand’s ‘protection pack’ helps drivers avoid mud stains on both the inside and outside of their cars, Bluetooth and multi-media options help company car drivers maintain an air of professionalism, even if their kids present evidence to the contrary. All of ŠKODA’s servicing options include a full car clean and valet.
A ŠKODA spokesperson said: “We understand the duality of cars being used for both personal and professional reasons. Weekend motoring with the kids can be great fun but also presents challenges on a Monday morning. To help, ŠKODA offers a range of Simply Clever accessories that keep kids occupied, parents happy and mess at bay.”
For more information on accessories offered by ŠKODA, visit